I'd like to welcome The Bryan Bausch Foundation to our family of web clients.
I originally met Linda Bausch many years ago and created a website for her Literacy Consulting Business. I've worked with her for many, many years now on her business site... A few years ago, Linda suffered the tragic loss of her son Bryan to drug addiction. Instead of walking away from the sadness, Linda decided to create a new foundation to help other families who are suffering from this disease. She found a purpose. She's been writing about it on a basic blog for a while, and now she decided that it was time to take it to the next level by creating a full website for her organization.
I am very happy to have worked with Linda on this project. She has a true heart and a true purpose. It gave me inspiration to think about what she would need, how it would look and work, ... I worked hard to put together a site that both serves her mission and will be user-friendly for her to maintain. I hope to work with her for many years into the future as she sets her sights forward on this issue which is so passionate to her.
Please take a moment to check out her new site, read what she has to say, and support her in her efforts, ...
Joe Bodin
Reliable Web Designs